I read through the Zero to Mugprenuer eBook by Dave Kettner and in this review would like to give you a summary of it, and what to expect from it (which is a promotion to Printable Profits basically).
Some basic info on Zero to Mugprenuer (aka The Single Mug Business Plan):
Who wrote Zero to Mugprenuer?
Dave Kettner.
How much does Zero to Mugprenuer cost?
$0. but you first have to sign up to Dave Kettner’s webinar promoting Printable Profits and only get it hours after the webinar ends.
What is Zero to Mugprenuer?
It’s a 54 page eBook that shows how Dave Kettner began a successful eCommerce business selling mugs online and how you can copy his formula to do the same.
Here is a summary of what Zero to Mugprenuer is about:
So here’s the first thing to note:
If you watched the entire webinar by Dave promoting Printable Profits, then about 99% if not 100% of it is what’s inside the eBook, at least in my opinion.
In short, this 54 page eBook is paraphrased off what you already heard in the webinar and the way the online sales funnel is designed, you first have to watch the webinar (fully) in order to get the eBook and then as you read it, you’re basically going to be reading what you already heard Dave say in the webinar beforehand.
But in case you skipped the webinar, put it in mute or just clicked away and didn’t see it in it’s entirety, here’s the summary of it:
1) Dave talks about his $20k or so a year job that was a dead end for him before he started online business.
2) He talks about partnering with Robert Kyosaki and writing a popular eBook regarding selling on Amazon and how well that did.
3) Then he talks about the mug eCom business he built and how it works.
4) This is where the Printable Profits formula comes into the picture.
5) In short, you create mugs online and sell them on Amazon and only pay when orders are placed, meaning there is very little if any investment in this business.
6) No traffic generation or paying for it is necessary because the mug niche is pretty popular as it is and Amazon works as the traffic driver on it’s own, which I have to admit is quite genius.
7) There is a fail more, earn more motto throughout the eBook (and webinar) which basically says that even if you don’t sell a single mug, you lose nothing because you don’t have to invest in it until someone actually places an order, meaning as soon as you make that 1 sale, you are already in the positive ROI which means rate of return or profit.
8) Eventually, the eBook links you back into buying the Printable Profits program, which costs $1,500 (I don’t know if there are upsells), but this is the first investment you’ll need to make to learn the material I just explained.
9) There are going to be obstacles and learning curves to such a business which is why the program exists to help you through that experience.
My conclusions and thoughts on Zero to Mugprenuer:
It’s not a bad read by any means and like I said, it’s basically the webinar all over again, except in written format.
But it does paint what I consider to be too much of a positive picture of a business that I think will have some unexpected surprises (not good ones). Now I’m not trying to be a “oh this can’t possibly work” type of guy, but I’m just being objective.
And this is where I have to talk about the review of Printable Profits that I did. You’re welcome to read the whole thing there as it is different from this review, even though the subject material is the same, but the short story is this:
I happen to think Dave has a great idea and I do believe his program and this business works.
However, this is by no means a “new business model”. In fact, there’s many Mugprenuers out there making money in this (which is good because it shows it works), and you can find free info on being a mugprenuer on blogs like this.
I also have written my own post detailing what a mugprenuer is and what to know about it.
But like I said when I reviewed Printable Profits, the picture his pitch for this program makes is a bit too simplistic and while he does cover certain issues you run into and how to conquer them, I just learned to be skeptical of any sales pitch I hear online, especially when it turns into a “Buy this program for $1,500”.
And another thing to note is the program is part of a bigger network called Lurn which has similar programs, some free, others cheap and some that are in the high price range like Printable Profits.
The thing is, a lot of online sales people will say very cozy things to get you spend money and certainly, you can consider me to be that type of person since I am an online promoter and my main sales pitch is for Wealthy Affiliate, so without being labeled a hypocrite, I have to throw that out there.
And my skepticism comes from years of experience doing online business in many forms, though in all honesty, Dave’s approach is very new to me.
Every online business carries risk and YES, you can make a lot of money, but since I help people succeed online like I do (and once struggled at), I would say my approach carries less risk from start to finish vs buying the $1,500 Printable Profits program and let me quickly explain why:
1) I promote Wealthy Affiliate yes, but it’s free to try and I make it clear, you don’t need to stay if it isn’t for you. And if you upgrade, your costs are under $100 a month in most cases to operate your business (and make a full time income from it). Plus you do have to work hard to get to success, but the program makes it more possible because of it’s amazing support, training and my coaching.
2) You can absolutely invest in Printable Profits if you have the $1,500 or more to spend and I do believe it is legitimate, but my whole thing is, if you do NOT have that kind of money and can’t afford to spend it, do not make the mistake of assuming that this is a done deal and everything will work out fine (not even with Wealthy Affiliate).
No business can guarantee your success, no matter how good it is, and this is where you have to be a little skeptical and objective with online sales pitches. I’ve just been burned many times and failed because of that and it was when I became skeptical but ready to work hard that I found Wealthy Affiliate and succeeded in this business.
Tried downloading the eBook after watching the presentation. Could not get it.
Hi James, I know what you mean. In my case, I had to first sign up to get it, watch the full webinar, then wait a few hours to get it in my inbox. This is usually how I get many of the free eBooks from the Lurn program.