Hands Off Publishing Review. Is it Worth Buying?

To say that I have some “worries” about outsourcing content is an understatement. I know what it takes to succeed in blogging, and certainly in outsourcing my blogging work to others. And naturally that message will be prevalent in this review of Hands Off Publishing (because it’s very important for this topic).

Let me just say that I did not buy any of the content packages in Hands Off Publishing and here are the reasons why:

1) I read some mixed reviews on their services and it basically reflected my original worries of using this or any other similar service.

2) In my experience having outsourced content to at least 1 writer, I know about the hardships (and delicate care) required to have a success in outsourcing.

3) I did do a deep dive into this program from multiple angles, including my own experiences in the field, so I will share all of that and the sources in this review to help you decide if you should get Hands Off Publishing’s services or not.

A summary and short review of Hands Off Publishing:

hands off publishing review screenshot


Unknown (That’s a big problem for me).


  • $45 for a 1k words.
  • Up to $1,500 for 50k words.

How does Hands Off Publishing work?

You select a package on their site, fill out a form to let them know what type of content you want (niche, tone, preferences, ect…) and then within a certain time frame are delivered the content from one of their writers.

The article/s you get include images and other features and they also use numerous services, including SEO programs to intelligently optimize the article you request (in short, making it better for rankings).

If you don’t like the article or parts of it, you can request up to 3 revisions to it to make improvements.

Once the article is to your liking, you would then publish it on your site and add other essentials you want (other SEO optimizations that weren’t included in the original article you got).

My rating for Hands Off Publishing: 3.0 out of 5 stars

Do I recommend Hands Off Publishing? It’s a tough call for now.

From everything I have seen, the service is 100% legitimate despite little info on the creator and some of my worries being seen from people who have used this service.

At the end of the day though, the core problems that come from outsourcing content are things I see in this program and being very picky about who I trust to outsource to, this particular service just doesn’t fit what I would fully be able to trust in provide me with content.

I will explain this in the review further down.

Alternatives (3):

A) Text Broker is one option (similar to this service).

B) Hiring and possibly training a freelance writer and elusively working with them (the best option for outsourcing in my opinion).

C) Or just relying on your own content production (no third party), which is probably your best and most inexpensive bet. But to do this you need to learn about blogging, SEO and what to do to succeed, which is why I suggest this program:

hands off publishing alternative 01

The full review of Hands Off Publishing:

To understand what this service is and why it’s even in existence, we need to start at the following:

Blogging can potentially make you a lot of money but in order to make this happen, you need to do several things:

  • Know what you’re blogging about (a niche you love is a good starting point).
  • Know how to optimize the blogs you write for SEO (so they rank).
  • Be able to consistently produce good content over at least 6 months (100 blog posts).

If you can do this right, the blog can start acquiring traffic and making money. Personally, I do affiliate marketing with my blogs and also am working to get involved with Mediavine. Because I’ve done this for so many years, I know about this subject very well (see my affiliate income reports).

Enter Hands Off Publishing (why this place exists):

For many successful bloggers (or those who don’t have time to blog but still want to make a successful one), outsourcing is a popular option that many bloggers take. Instead of doing all of that blogging yourself, you hire a person, team or service to do the blogging for you (called outsourcing).

Many companies and freelance writers exist in this realm to fill this demand and Hands Off Publishing is one of those services. And as I explained above, how they operate is easy to understand and easy to start with.

5 reason I’m very careful about using services like Hands Off Publishing:

1) There are many ways this can “go wrong”:

There are many worries a blogger should have when hiring a freelance writer or outsourcing from any service that does this work. Here are some:

  • Duplicate content.
  • Poorly written content (language barriers, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, ect…).
  • Revisions and not having the desired content you want.
  • Not being aligned with the writer you are dealing with (they don’t understand what you want).
  • Having to correct the work for the writer because it’s not up to par with your standards.
  • Ect…

From what I have seen with Hands Off Publishing, some of these worries exist, while some of the major ones like duplicate content do not (which is good).

2) In the freelance world, I generally do not hire people or services that are cheap:

The pricing in Hands Off Publishing is a pretty good deal, but in my experience, good deals don’t mean you’ll get wonderful services either. In fact, I’d say in this particular subject, hiring a more experienced/expensive writer would be a better thing for you to do.

3) In my experience, it’s better to train and work with 1 freelance writer vs outsourcing with a service:

Having worked with 1 person in the past, I can tell you a lot about this stuff. For starters, I understood what needed to be written and how for my blogs to get them to rank.

I then had to relay that to the writer, who was very patient with me and despite following my rules, it took a good 10 months for him to produce work for me which I didn’t have to constantly check on. But this is normal because if you want good work and good rapport in this business, you need to work with 1 person and give it time to develop.

Outsourcing to third party services who don’t really know you that well and follow some basic rules can lead to undesired results (which is totally expected and not a surprise).

4) I found mixed reviews on Hands Off Publishing which lent credibility to my worries:

There are 2 particular blog posts on this service which stood out:

  1. Niche Pursuits review Hands Off Publishing which was very positive, but lacked details on the services provided.
  2. And this one from MakeMoneyBro.com which was very detailed on the problems I suspected would be in this type of service (grammatical and spelling errors which could affect results).

One thing is for certain: This service is good at customer support, but its mixed on the type of quality you want in the end result.

Update: Also I have received word from the owner of Hands off Publishing that the owner of MakeMoneyBro.com did receive some updates so I’ll include them once they show up.

5) Hiring a freelance service or writer takes time and training. Avoid the short cuts in this:

All you need is 1 good freelance writer who understands you and your standards and knows how blogging works to have a successful outsourcing asset to your blog. This however takes time and revision after revision (and you both being patient with each other) to work.

I have extremely high standards for my blogs, and that writer I told you about eventually became someone I trusted working with, but it only came after we communicated a lot, and I carefully trained and explained what was needed.

Because he stuck around, adjusted to my needs and evolved, he was able to produce great work for me which eventually I didn’t have to check up on. This is the ideal situation you want to be in with outsourcing.

alternative 2 to hands off publishing

Conclusions on Hands Off Publishing:

It’s a legitimate service and they do work with you if you’re not happy, but ultimately, it has many of the same holes I see with any other legitimate outsourcing service.

Taking the short route with third party services just has too many risk in my experiences that can jeopardize your blog’s success.

Now at the same time, you may get a great writer who you like and who produces great work, but this is less likely to happen when you understand SEO, content writing and what it really takes (few people know all the things required to do this right) and so finding 1 person who can do this (and training them) would be a better option.

Being your own content producer (your best, cheapest and safest option):

Before you invest in any freelance (legitimate ones) or services, you have to understand how blogging works on your own and ideally have your own success in it.

This template is what you have to bring to any potential freelancer or service you are considering outsourcing to because the more you know this business, the better you can teach and relay that to potential prospects.

Without this knowledge and experience, you will just get subjective work you may not even know is good or bad and generally in this realm, that can be bad.

I never invested in a freelance writer until I knew what worked, had my own success in the blogging world and knew what to teach and show my prospect so they could literally do the same.

This is the proper sequence to follow when considering outsourcing for your blog and it’s the only path I recommend. A program like Wealthy Affiliate happens to teach this sequence the proper way and many successful bloggers I personally know who hire freelance writers follow the exact same steps I just explained to you.

9 thoughts on “Hands Off Publishing Review. Is it Worth Buying?”

  1. Although the keyword research was quite good, the article they provided was absolutely horrendous; although they are good at offering rewrites, the writer just could not write good articles. It turned out to be quite a nightmare. πŸ™

  2. If you wrote this article with no actual experience with the company, congratulations, you’ve summed up what’s wrong with blogging today. I’ve used this company and will use again right now.

    • Your argument is a bit one sided man. I’m glad you like your results with Hands Off Publishing and I’m sure they deliver on the content, but I happen to know A LOT on freelance writing, hiring people to do it for my sites and know the risks and rewards. It’s very difficult and rare to find reliability in this industry and that’s why you need to be very careful with this stuff. The ideal place to be for outsourcing is having 1 or very few freelance writers who understand SEO, how to do it right, know your taste in content and write the way you want so you don’t have to worry about them making mistakes or risking your rankings.

  3. So as I explained to Charles, I wanted him to back up his claims and accusations (before I could take them seriously) as well as open the dialogue with Hands Off Publishing as well. You and I had a nice debate earlier and everything was polite and my review had been adjusted based on that.

    Although your comment was directed at someone else for the most part, adding the “from a guy who didn’t try the service” to throw me in there wasn’t really necessary man.

    I said my points and backed them up. I have used writers in the past and in my experience, the best case scenarios in outsourcing come from building rapport and history with the writer who understands SEO, keywords and the content style that the buyer wants produced for them.

    It takes longer, costs more, but when done right, that becomes a very valuable asset. I’ve had mixed experiences in this as well freelance services. It’s never easy to find that ideal writer, but it’s worth the journey and effort to get here.

    Charles is still welcome to refute your claims, but I would say based on your comment, that you seem to have more evidence and specific point to the contrary of his claims.

  4. Hey, nice detailed review you put up here and I can appreciate that you did not necessarily state anything against us before trying our services πŸ™‚

    I’m Abdullah Ashraf, the creator of Hands Off Publishing. I exist and you can reach out to me to learn more.

    As for outsourcing content, it’s certain that you would not get the same standard as publishing by yourself but that really depends on who you are. Not everyone has the time, the knowledge or the energy to publish their own content and we serve such individuals with great feedback!

    If someone is great at writing, has the time to write and not big enough to have to outsource, they would be aware that they do not need to outsource right now. Anyone else is where you find our happy customers.

    Also, we charge $45 now per 1,000 words so might be worthwhile updating that πŸ˜‰

    Giving a 3-star review for a service you have not tested isn’t really fair I’d say but I suppose anymore would not be good to position your offer. I wish you’d get in touch if you want to try some content to leave an honest, detailed review as MakeMoneyBro did back in April (we have transformed since then and the review was never updated).

    Anyone can feel free to get in touch if they have any doubts, and yourself at my email address above.

    Best wishes,
    Abdullah Ashraf
    Creator of Hands Off Publishing

    • Hi Abdullah, thanks for commenting and sharing the updates. I’ve made the ones such as regarding price and so forth. Regarding my rating, I get your point, but my position on outsourcing content to third parties you don’t have too much history with is that the content you get out of them (even the best services) isn’t as good as when you have someone you fully trust to create the type of high quality content you expect.

      This isn’t because your service or any other is bad, but because the context of which the content is created in third party services can almost never match it. But your service is legitimate like I said and people can draw their own conclusions. I do appreciate you reaching out and being cordial about it.

      • Thanks for allowing my comment to be visible on your site and getting back to me.

        I respect your view on outsourcing content. The only thing I’d say is, a good content agency should be able to act as that close person to you.

        The more content you order from them, the better they should understand your business and better they should write to your requirements. In many cases, we cannot meet our client’s requirements and we simply would not accept their business.

        I think that’s what separates a good agency from a bad one. Bad agencies accept all business and then stand behind their refund policies when the job goes sideways lol.

        Wishing you all the best!

        Abdullah Ashraf
        Creator of Hands Off Publishing

        • No problem at all. I will never squelch people who disagree with me and as long as we can have a civil debate, that’s what really counts and I do appreciate your messages being very polite and understanding.

          I do agree with you about outsourcing being nearly impossible to deliver perfect results for through an agency vs an individual who has that long history, time and a close relationship with the outsourcing employer, but to reach that point is very difficult in this realm, but totally worth it in my opinion, as based on numerous people I’ve spoken to who have done the same (and I have also had 1 person who I had to have long discussions with until they were able to give me the content I truly wanted).

          For me, it’s much better to focus on that for outsourcing and while it is certainly a pain for both parties, I just have a very strict view on SEO and the need to deliver the kind of content I know would rank well from my writer/s.

          Thanks again for the good conversation and I also wish you the best!


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