Checks on Repeat. My Personal Opinion on The Opportunity

This is a 2 part review of Checks on Repeat because certain changes have come to this program which require that.

Here’s some initial things to know about me and about this Checks on Repeat review:

1) I did not buy it.

2) Besides the prices being very high to try it,there are other important things to note.

3) In this review, you will see an alternative I personally use in my daily life to make an online income legitimately.

4) Wes, the creator of Checks on Repeat, as I said before to me comes off as authentic and nice, but I also distinguish personality from opportunity and for me, the opportunity just doesn’t fit me.

Update: Here is what Checks on Repeat currently is.

The older review (below) is going to explain how it operated before which was it promoted an expensive program to you.

Today, the update is that Checks on Repeat is still active from what I’ve seen, but instead of taking you to the sales page promoting the high ticket system, it takes you to a page asking you a series of questions about making money basically, from what you’d like to make to other stuff.

This may lead people to sales calls for high ticket offers, but I’ll hold off on this for now. But this is the current update and from this point forward, the older review of Checks on Repeat is what you’ll see:

A short review and summary of Checks on Repeat:

checks on repeat review


Wes. He also has another page promoting what he is promoting here. But I happen to like his personality.


4 levels ranging from $3,000 entrees to $21,000 entry (highest level).

I wasn’t kidding when I said the pricing was high and there are more things I do note in this article about what I learned about Checks on Repeat.

My rating for Checks on Repeat: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Do I think Checks on Repeat is a scam? No.

There’s a lot of questions I did find on this program, but I still believe you can make money from it (even big money), so no I do not think it’s a scam.

But I do also think that reaching that point for the pricing of this opportunity is very risky (among other things).

What I personally recommend:

checks on repeat alternative 1

As I like to be transparent, I will say this: I do promote Wealthy Affiliate and if that makes you uncomfortable, I understand which is why you can try them for free. However, my promotion of WA does not affect my objectivity of the programs I talk about on this site, but if you disagree, read this article first and let me know below.

What exactly is Checks on Repeat all about? The detailed info:

Before I get to the stuff I personally found about this program, let me give you the basic overview of it:

Checks on Repeat is a high ticket marketing opportunity which if bought into allows you the option to promote the program to other people and depending on which of the 4 levels you join, you will be able to promote on that same level (and not higher unless you join or upgrade at a higher level to my knowledge) and earn 50% commissions.

The whole thing about this program appears to be:

  1. Buy a high ticket package.
  2. Promote that same high ticket package.
  3. Make high ticket commissions from promoting the same exact sales funnel.
  4. Earn a living in the process.

Basically a self promotional opportunity (and an extremely expensive one at that).

My experience with this program explained:

1) I first saw this program mentioned on

2) I followed the URL provided there to an opt in page (the initial entry to Checks on Repeat).

3) This brought me to another sales page, which I clicked through to on.

4) That brought me to a questionnaire page asking me things about how much money I want to make, how much I want to spend and more.

5) And afterwards, I was brought to what I think is the official sales page of Checks on Repeat.

It was at this last stage of the experience that I had finally realized where I was and this is where the the concerns began to accumulate. And so, let me explain why that is:

The 5 things I need to share about Checks on Repeat:

What I’m about to share with you isn’t me saying this program is a scam, but it is me sharing what I found out via researching stuff about this program:

1) Checks on Repeat has a nearly identical sales funnel to other programs I found:

As soon as I landed on the actual sales page of Checks on Repeat (part 5 of my experience above), I immediately recognized this page because on 2 separate occasions, I had seen this nearly identical sales page from the following 2 questionable programs:

Those 2 programs have a sales page almost identical to this one and the same kind of pricing is on those programs 2.

checks on repeat sales page screenshot

2) Is there some sort of “behind the scenes” main program behind Checks on Repeat (and the others)?

At first glance, you may think the program you’re buying into is called Checks on Repeat, but as I found out with it and the other 2 programs, apparently it isn’t and in fact, I honestly can’t even tell you what these 3 programs lead you to and that’s a big question that I can’t get answers regarding.

You see the thing is, I have found in my experiences researching these programs that there’s many “behind the scenes” opportunities (usually questionable ones) that have their affiliates (promoters) design their own sales pages to promote these opportunities and these sales pages go under their own names making it seem like they’re completely different programs, but they are tied together.

In some cases, these sales page the affiliates make could even be identical, with just a few minor differences (like the website name example).

3) Once again, we appear to have a mystery program being promoted to us:

With Checks on Repeat, other than the URL of the sales page, not once is the same program name mentioned in the entire sales page, and neither is any other program or company name for that matter.

This is concerning because if there’s no name, trademark or anyway to identify what it is you’re getting involved with or even if it’s a legitimate company, and they’re asking you to invest $1,000’s.

And by the way, the other 2 programs I talked about did the exact same thing in that regard.

4) Once again, we have the same overpriced PLR being promoted as training:

In the previous 2 programs I reviewed that had the same sales page, both they (and literally Checks on Repeat) tell you they’ll give you PLR products to promote once you join. These are products with “training” material on helping you make money online and they’re pitched as though they are some amazingly valuable pieces of information to make your purchase worthwhile.

I literally debunked this in my review of the Prosperity Warrior in which I proved these PLR products were worth almost nothing and then said to have you pay $1,000’s to get PLR products worth so much less on other sites is risky.

5) Overall, this program doesn’t explain well how it works:

I really have a problem with any program that does the sort of stuff I saw on Checks on Repeat which is basically “Wow look at this opportunity and success stories” and other than showing you some of their PLR content you get once you buy, they don’t tell you much else.

There is a lot of talk about success, but not much talk about what you’re actually doing to succeed. One thing to credit Wes for here though is that he mentions a little bit of that in his video when you go this sales page.

It’s simple stuff like this that I like and I wish I saw more of this on the page (and the other people who promote this program).

alternative to checks on repeat

Conclusions on Checks on Repeat:

I would love to rank this higher, but I need to see more answers and transparency.

And I know how this stuff works, particularly stuff related to high ticket programs like these from experience and I personally don’t ever buy them. Even with legitimate programs that cost a lot, in my opinion you should only ever spend a lot of money when you have existing investments to piggyback off and don’t mind risking it (even the best opportunities are risky in my experience).

As I’ve said in this post of Checks on Repeat, there are alternatives like Wealthy Affiliate and being that you can try it free (and there is much more info on it) are 2 of the many reasons why.

I also suspect that while this program is #3 on my list of similar questionable programs I found that have the same kind of sales page, it isn’t the last (Hindsight: Yes this turned out to be true).

I’m hoping to one day finally learn what this mysterious high ticket program is (but I doubt it’ll happen anytime soon).

checks on repeat disclaimer

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